My name is Thabit Pulak! Welcome to my page :) I enjoy working to make improvements in society, especially in the fields of economically, or medically benefiting underprivileged people in poor countries. Currently, I am undertaking a project for Bangladesh that is concerned with the underprivileged people there who are affected by arsenic water poisoning. My project aims to provide a cheap, home-based arsenic water filter, in an effort to increase filter adoptions rates, as existing filters too expensive for the average villager to afford.
My corporate site is www.ikormi.org . It consists of 3 branches, one dealing with internet work, then with humanitarian arsenic clean-up aid in Bangladesh, and a final third one dealing with education. iKormi currently has about 20 employees, both in Bangladesh, and the United States. It is headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is currently a non-profit, operating solely for the benefit of underprivileged people. Any money cut out of the salary of iKormi employess is used to pay back company operating costs. Since iKormi is self-sustaining, the opportunities for growth are endless.
Read about the progress of my project through the update blog posts about my trips to Bangladesh!
UPDATE OCTOBER 2023: Unfortunately, the Classic Google Sites engine which my website was run on for over 10 years, has finally ended support. My site has been migrated over to the new Google sites format, but this has led to a ton of widgets, particularly the ones linked to o