High School Graduation
Post date: Jun 10, 2014 5:24:39 AM
On June 8th, I officially graduated from Richardson High School. It was a big day for me, and it marked the transition to the next chapter of my life to Duke University. As senior class president, I given the honor to give a speech at the graduation. It can be viewed at this link, or viewed below. Jump to 1:58 for my speech! Thabit's Graduation SpeechTwo days before the graduation, on June 6th, my awesome parents threw an amazing graduation party for me! It consisted of many events engaging our local community, such as a talent show, and many short speeches. The performers in the show included my sister (Deemah Pulak) and her classmate Anisha, and others, such as Jawad, Tahmid, Arissa, Aisha, and my youngest sister, Jana. Deemah and Anisha were the main moderators of the event. In general, all the guests loved the party, and I enjoyed meeting with family (my cousins from Chicago came!) and friends. Among my friends was Riley Testut, who was the developer of GBA4iOS, a gameboy emulator for the iPhone, which gained over 10 million downloads! I loved meeting all these people, and the food at the party sealed the deal on having a great night! Below is a photo album of the event, check it out!