2013 Texan of the Year Nomination
Post date: Nov 16, 2013 3:49:39 AM
I was amazed to find out that I was one of the nominees for the Texan of the Year! The Dallas Morning news hosts the competition every year, and this year, many high profile people, such as politicians, were nominated. I saw that my name was amongst the names of George Bush, Laura Bush, Ted Cruz, and Wendy Davis! I know that I don't have much of a chance against the others, as they have done much more to serve the nation than I have, and thus completely deserve it, but I still feel happy at even making the list!
The link to the list of nominees is here: http://dallasmorningviewsblog.dallasnews.com/2013/09/cruz-davis-and-texan-of-the-year-momentum.html/