The Arsenic Biosand Water Filter
Over the past couple of months, I have been working on a science project, that aims to alleviate arsenic poisoning that occurs around the world, but more chronically affects Bangladesh, India, Thailand, and China. The current solutions are either costly, or require more maintenance than needed. Also these methods for alleviation are not open source, meaning that people cannot improve and built upon the filter without infringing patents. My goal was to develop an arsenic filter that removes arsenic efficiently, whilst being completely open-sourced. Doing vast research, and conducting experiments in my home, I finally developed a filter using nano iron particles that can be synthesized from home. The resulting filter removed arsenic, as well as bacteria in water. I displayed my project in various science fairs, like ISWEEEP, and Intel, both of which I got a high level of awards in. I won first internationally in the ISWEEEP fair, and 3rd Internationally in the Intel Engineering fair. I received numerous special awards, as well as an exemplary recognition by the EPA, the Patrick J Hurd Sustainability award. I hope these accolades can help bring up my credibility overseas to be able to actually implement the filter technology I have had researched and tested. I plan on working and continually extending the project. It's not only about the awards and's the fact that this project, if properly implemented, can save thousands of lives.
Follow these links for info about progress in this project!
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